TIME: 2.00 PM
In our reparation prayer, I saw again the vision of the Agonizing Jesus
Christ hanging alive on the Cross. At the foot of the Cross was Our Lady,
Queen of the Precious Blood, weeping and at the same time praying in
reparation for the sins of the world. As I was watching, cloud covered the
whole place. In the cloud above the Cross were the Saints and Angels of
Heaven who were consoling the Agonizing Jesus Christ.
After a while, Our Lady rose up from the foot of the Cross and came
forward to us and said:
“My children, I come to share with you, my little children, the love I have
for my Agonizing Son, and the one I have for you, my children.
Many did not understand the great favour given to you last night by St.
Michael the Archangel. It is indeed a great favour. Children, your hearts
were locked not to understand this great call of love. You opened your
eyes, and could not see; but you, who will understand now, will be filled
with joy.
I am the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who obtained these favours
for you through my bloody tears.
Children, immediately you leave this gathering, you will understand in full,
why you were called. Some will be willing to see these days again, but it
will be too late. I plead with you to follow well; let not any of the Heavenly
blessings pass you. Open your hearts for Jesus Christ, who loves you much.
My children, I am begging you, with tears, my children, to keep away from
your body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit, any properties of the Evil One.
Keep your body natural and holy. Remember, my children, that you are
not the owner of this body. It belongs to my loving Husband. He wants
your body to be mortified and purified. Look at the body of my Agonizing
Son, disfigured with Wounds and Blood. What effort are you making to
console Him? Keep your body holy. Run away from all these make-ups;
collagen and its products. They are among the chains that bind you
captives in the world. Children, what can you not give up to possess
Is it these evil products? Hear your Mother; keep yourself holy so that
your body will be raised up on the last day.
I will offer you a white Rose by 1:50 pm (that is 10 minutes to 2.00 pm)
tomorrow. It is for your sanctity and holiness. At the same hour, my Son
will crown some heads among you with thorns, those who are willing to
offer Him a special love. At that time, you will maintain absolute silence
and meet Him with your spirit till 2.00 pm. If you will, you will receive the
Crown of Thorns from Him. Remember, my son, that carnal mind cannot
understand these things I am telling you for they are spiritual matters.
Remember to do your consecration to the Precious Blood. At that time,
Heaven will fill you all with the necessary gifts to carry out the Divine Plan,
that is, those who consecrate themselves to my Son.
Children, your understanding about the Seal is very little. I am the one who
obtained it for you, through my bloody tears. I want you all to think about
the Seal again. It is for you, it is for you, it is for the whole world. Barnabas,
I will obtain for you and for all who want to know more about the Seal, “the
Holy Spirit of truth”. Fear not when you are preaching about it. It is the last
mercy from Heaven. All who lose their Seal will not enter the Era of
Peace that is coming. They must have the mark of the Beast, ‘666’.
I am happy with your little effort because you did not come as the Israelites
came to Mount Sinai, when they heard the Voice of God and begged not to
hear it anymore. So, receive my blessings: Let the grace, which pours out
from the Wounds of my pierced Immaculate Heart descend on you. May it
increase your love for the Agonizing Jesus Who loves you all. May my
bloody tears obtain for you the peace of sanctity and faith. I will hide you in
my Immaculate Heart. Come! Have mercy on Jesus. I bless you all.”
Immediately, the vision passed.