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DATE: 4TH JULY, 2002

TIME: 8:00 PM



In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of a Saint coming down from the cloud. He came closer and calmly said:

“Peace be with you my friend. I am your brother and Apostle Jude. I come to teach you the second level among the Six Golden Levels of Peace. This is the Level of Concentration. How I wish you would grow up to this level and even higher. This level is greater than the first level, which is the level of the Silence of the Mouth. Where the first level ends, the second begins.

Friends of the Living God, this level of perfection is the hardest level to attain. The moment you climb up to this level, it is easy to reach all the levels, if you want to. We shall see this level in the line of prayer, because the level of your prayer determines your spiritual relationship with God; which is your spiritual level.

Little friends of the Living God know today that there are demarcations between the mouth and the soul, the soul and the senses, and the mouth and the senses. I am here to reveal only the first one, the gap between the mouth and the soul. Before I reveal this gap, you shall learn what concentration is.

Concentration is the union of the mouth and the soul, or the union of the soul and the senses, and or the union of the mouth and the senses to achieve a goal. This goal might be positive or negative. It is positive if it achieves holy ends and negative if it achieves evil ends. The union of mouth and senses is an earthly concentration that involves learning and knowledge of the world. The union of the soul and the senses is another level of perfection. So I will teach you the union of the mouth and the soul, which is the second level of perfection called Concentration in Prayer.

Concentration in Prayer is the ascending of the union of mouth and the soul to the bosom of Divine Grace. It is the relationship of this union with Eternal Love. It is the peace of the soul with the mouth in the Light of Love. It is the joy of the mouth with the soul in the peace of God.

In concentration level, you meet God’s love in fullness for the first time. Dear friend of the living God, for you to attain this level, you must love solitude. You, the Little Lilies of God on earth must learn to avoid the world. I say, you must learn to avoid the company of men. Learn to be alone. Recollect and re-join your soul with your being in prayer. You must leave your place of distraction and retire into solitude. Little friends of the living God sacrifice much to attain this level. O, happy solitude in which God speaks lovingly and converses with His lovers! Blessed are the souls in solitude with God, they enjoy the greatest happiness on earth.

O, how bitterly a soul who is attached to the world suffers! See how restless the soul is. See how the flapping wind of fear tortures the soul. Come, O loving souls, and have rest in the peace of solitude with God! Little friends, detach your soul, which sticks slavishly to wealth, to your mother, to your father, your brother, to your sister, and to your wife or to your husband, and attach it to the Heavenly things. Be at peace with everyone. Love your enemy and pray for them. Do not be slaves to miracles; rather, become consolers of the Agonizing Jesus Christ.

Finally, I say, learn to spend your time with the One Who loves you most. I say spend time with Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, He Who dwells in your very soul. May Jesus Who sent me give you all the graces you need to attain this level! May He bless you!”

Immediately, he vanished. Then, the Agonizing Jesus Christ appeared and calmly said.

“You have heard My son; the wise will know that this calls for growth. But the fools will say to their souls, it is impossible to do all these things. Those who learn and grow will enjoy My Reign of Peace in their souls. But those who remain unchanged and even hinder My loving ones from growing will suffer the absence of My Presence. A time will come when their pride will not help them anymore, then, they will see their emptiness.

So I bless you all, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.”

Immediately, the vision passed.


DATE: 5TH JULY, 2002

TIME: 8:00 PM



During this hour, I saw a vision of a Saint coming down from the cloud. He came nearer and calmly said:

“Beloved friend, I have come to share with you a loving message again in this great month of July. I rejoiced when I saw my brother, Jude, teaching you on the great lesson of Concentration. I have come to give you the third level of the Golden Peace of Perfection. This is the Level of the Silence of the Soul. I am your brother, Francis of Assisi.

Little friends, how great and worthy it is to attain this level of Perfection, of Silence of the Soul. This level is greater than the second level of Perfection. It starts where concentration ends. It is the freedom of the soul from bondage or slavery. I mean the slavery of fear due to attachment to the things of the world. How blessed are those who free themselves from all attachment to money, to wealth, and even to life; they shall enjoy the quietness of the soul.

Little friends, you are called to be a Holy Nation of God. You are chosen to help renew the face of the earth. You are the sons and daughters of the Glorious Reign. That is why Heaven gives you all these gifts; you are called to be perfect so as to possess all these graces. So I plead with you, my little friend to free your mind and your soul from the chain of the flesh. Defend your soul against the passion of the flesh. Defend your soul against the flame of pride. Be free; be free, like the birds of the air. Love! I say, love the beauty of nature and enjoy its consolation like butterflies and beautiful flowers. Love all men. Owe no one anything except love. I say, be charitable and care for the poor. This is the road to happiness and calmness of the soul.

My friend be free! I say, be free from the worries of seeking protection. How sorrowful are the souls of those who are under the bondage of worries of protection; they taste the bitterness of slavery.

Dear friend, fight, struggle, and enter this level of calmness. This is the level where God speaks to His people in prayer. At this level, you will learn to listen to the Voice of Divine Wisdom. There, you will weigh yourself, see your weakness, and receive encouragement and blessing from God. I pray God, Who sent me, to bless you and give you peace. Happy to see you grow.”

Immediately, the vision passed. Then, the Agonizing Jesus Christ appeared and calmly said: